Make a Difference for Eternity

As a YOM mission team member, you will be part of an incredible and transformative experience! Serving on a mission field is life-changing for those whose lives you touch and for you. The opportunity to travel, connect with new cultures, and share Christ will deepen your faith and compassion.

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Encourage Team Members

Pray for our members’ spiritual and physical needs—that they’ll have safe travels, build friendships with other members, and grow closer to God.

Support Missions Work

Each team needs your prayers for effective ministry. Pray that our teams will find opportunities to witness and to assist their host missionaries.

Change the World

Through your faithful prayers, YOM teams see many souls saved each year. You’re a vital part in sharing Christ’s love in countries across the globe.

Team Member Testimonies

Why not take a moment to watch the following videos by Pastors? They will be a great encouragement to you as you consider the opportunity of traveling on a YOM summer mission team!

Josh Australia Team

The experience I gained from all the ministries and people that we came across allowed me to understand where my strengths and weaknesses lie in ministry. I was able to see the great importance in reaching the youth and children. The gospel isn’t just for teens and adults. One of the ministries that helped me realize this was when we ran a Bible club for Aboriginal children that hardly have any exposure to the Bible. Missions isn’t just for a third world country—people everywhere have a desperate need, even those who have much and do not think they need anything. This trip has been an incredible experience and God definitely has used it to grow me closer to Him.

Australia Team

Oliver Ghana Team

Going to Ghana has been a life-changing experience. I came into this trip thinking we could share something with the people here, but I have learned way more from the people here than I could have ever shared with them. The missionaries, teachers, and national pastors have shown me what it means to live for Christ above all. Through their testimonies, they have shown us how God can use a fully surrendered life to change a nation. I am grateful to have learned so much from such Christlike people, and I will never forget the friends I have made here. Leaving Ghana will be so hard! Thank you to everyone who has supported our team financially so we could get out here and for praying diligently for each one of us.

Ghana Team

Courtney YOM Team Member

During high school, I decided I wanted to teach English in a Spanish-speaking country. When I found out about this ESL missions trip to Peru, I jumped at the chance to fulfill that desire. I did not expect to fall in love with the Peruvians as much as I did, especially the Barzolas (the family that took us in for the two weeks). I am now praying about teaching English in Peru for a whole summer.

Peru ESL Team

Lindsay Ghana Team

The saying goes “home is where the heart is.” Then, I guess Ghana will always be a home to me since so much of my heart is here. We came here to minister to the people, but I never expected them to touch my heart the way they did and to leave such a huge impact. It was incredibly humbling and moving to be surrounded by people who, by Western standards, have so little but are willing to give so much. And it’s all for the glory of the Lord. God did incredible things on this trip, and I feel honored to have been able to experience it all with such wonderful people. It was a small glimpse of heaven, being able to worship God and glorify Him with my brothers and sisters in Christ from Ghana.

Ghana Team

Pray, Give, Go

We’re grateful for all those who give and pray for our teams! Through your support, YOM sent 5 summer mission teams in 2023.

Our 75 team members shared the gospel on three continents and in ten different countries. We reached over 3,000 individuals–with many saved!

Do you have a heart for missions? Join us in sharing the gospel.

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Team Members

Reached with the Gospel

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