Why go on a missions trip?

Grow a passion for missions.
Step out of your comfort zone.
When you leave your home “bubble,” you’ll find new opportunities to obey God’s calling and to use your spiritual gifts for the cause of Christ. See for yourself how God prepares us to serve Him when we invest in eternal things!
Make lasting friendships.
As a team, you’ll prepare, travel, and serve together. Along the way, you’ll make new friends—you might even build relationships that last the rest of your life!
Gain a love for evangelism.

God has an amazing way of using missions trips to give us a greater burden for the lost and increase our passion for soul-winning.

Even after your trip is over, you’ll want to keep growing your love for evangelism. You’ll start seeing conversations with neighbors, coworkers, and classmates as opportunities to share salvation.

Encourage others with your testimony.
Your missions work isn’t over when you get back home. As you tell others about God’s provision and blessing, you can help move them toward a greater love for missions. God wants to use you as a catalyst for this kind of passion!

No matter your finances or other constraints in your life, pray about the possibility of a short-term missions trip and open your heart to God’s leading. You won’t regret this experience and the privilege of sharing Christ across the globe.

join one of our teams!

Ready to serve on the mission field? Explore short-term missions opportunities available each summer.