Having never taken any missions trip, Shante Charles (Sr., FL) joined an English as a Second Language (ESL) team to travel to Quito, Ecuador. As one of eighteen Youth Outreach Ministry (YOM) summer missions teamsthe ESL Ecuador team helped teach the Abeka ESL program in Christian schools in Quito. The team will also organize a youth camp on the weekends for neighborhood kids, to share the gospel with them.

Shante says, “I want my view on the world to be different. I know that as a Christian we have a biblical worldview, but sometimes that view can become muddy if we set our focus on things that aren’t ‘above.’ I want to do more than just see people who need a Savior. I want to see souls that God loved so much ‘that He sent His only begotten Son.’ I want to be able to love people as Christ has loved us. I want Christ to open my team’s eyes to see what He really meant when He said to take the gospel to the uttermost parts of the world.”